It would be good to think that a nice innocent curry in a restaurant could go ahead without major incident but this was Beccs Ladies and this was Tour..
It can only be described as a heinious crime when one team mate tries to wilfully inflict injury on another and it was Fagan, obviously pleased to see Britney after her long trip to Oz, who tried to kill her with a pepper pot in true Cluedo style.
How it happened God only knows but Britney basically disappeared under a ton of white pepper as the pot split. It was in her eyes, all over her hair and if you look carefully in the photos completely filling her ears. Bless. And to make matters worse her concerned team mates dissolved into hysterical laughter..!
Still no major damage done which couldn't be washed off and after the whole restaurant had been disturbed by the waiter having to hoover the table, the floor and the bench, Britney recovered enough to eat her curry and fall asleep in the curry house - and she wasn't the only one was she One Pint?!
With a small crisis over a mystery fish dish the girls ate up their food and headed back out to meet up with the five latecomers who were getting the late train up to Cardiff.
Vonnie, Chitty, Sniff, Little Miss, Trolley and Gump were all late arrivals but after pleasantly having Vonnies home-made salad dressing on the train, were soon into the swing of things! Some good pubs were visited and some great steals with two bowler hats found amongst the possesions on Saturday morning.
Solid excelled and after a good old evening nap decided she felt much better and managed to get back out for the night. One Pint showing her age let down the forwards by being first to bed.
Some ladies had a good old bop whilst others decided to venture further afield - apparently Newport is a nice place to visit on a Friday night?!
Other memorables on Friday evening were SmIce completely losing it with her pyjamas - after putting them tidily on her bed before going out she then couldn't find them at 3am - what was going on?!
Gump decided to shock a few hostel residents and explore their rooms along with scaring Trolley by playing Spiderwoman on the bunk-beds!
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