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Beccs 'Fallen Angels' Cardiff Tour - Feb 4th-6th 2005

Day Two - Saturday - England Match Day..
Picture the scene; six ladies fast asleep in their cosy bunks when early in the morning a jingly tune rings out. Five ladies begin to stir but as silence reins they fall back into dreamland. Ten minutes later the jingle rings out again, this time waking the same five who ponder who's phone it could be and what it all means. This happens over and over until finally it wakes everyone enough for conversation to break out which wakes up Gump who realises she has a text message. How could she sleep through that?! FINE!

It's England match day and soon everyone was up and looking bright and breezy, well almost, poor Little Miss had a quick snooze on the sofa whilst the draw took place to see who was getting the four tickets kindly donated by Simon Corcoran. How come the foreigners always seem to get lucky in these draws - what's going on?!

A couple of ladies made the fatal mistake of missing the early morning meeting - FINE! Must have been the confusion in waking up and realising that Newport isn't Cardiff.. With a quick round of shots in the bar it was time to go out in the fresh air. This was a little bit of a mistake as those that were feeling a bit worse for wear felt even worse for wear walking into town, and those who hadn't had breakfast (most people) felt even dodgier for not eating. So it was a quick detour to a local café for takeaway burgers (remembering to shake the tic-tacs of course) before going onto a big pub just outside the stadium. It was just before this that Chitty got mistaken for a ticket-tout - "how much you selling for love?" Oops!

The pub was boiling. And this was only about noon. Still the Beccs ladies warmed themselves up on a few pints which admittedly were hard work to start with! As the pub filled with Welsh they serenaded us in true Celtic style with some harmonised arias. Beccs ladies responded with "I've been a wild pervert" and "rugby men" which were well received, well - received anyway.

Some 'GOD' checks, 'tic-tac' checks, 'instrument' checks and 'reasons to go to heaven' checks were made with some failing to display in a reasonable time. By now Vonnie had played many rounds on her recorder and had the middle part confiscated by SmIce. A new action was introduced to go alongside 'GRENADE' and this was 'JOHNNY" in which case everyone has to do the Johnny wiggle.

We watched the French cruelly beat the Scots in the last five minutes of time before the lucky six who had tickets for their match said their farewells and set off for the stadium. For those who stayed in the pub there followed the most exhaustingly boiling match ever as the pub was packed and had NO air. The Welsh fans in the pub went wild at the end which really didn't help.

For those that went to the match, they shook their tic-tacs at the Welsh and took their places in the Millennium Stadium to join in the community singing with Delilah. Thanks to Espagille for her text match comments during the first half "Ding Dong Look at the ref!" Unfortunately it wasn't to be England's day and despite trying very hard and looking awfully good in their white shorts they just weren't up the job and got beaten. Darn! The Welsh loved it and reacted as though they'd won the World Cup and in fact that was our only saving grace that we could at least say that we are still World Champs.
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