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Beccs Ladies Tour Photos and Reports
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Beccs Edinburgh 'Spoons' Tour - Feb 20th-23rd 2004

Day Two..Saturday - at Murrayfield
Pipers and flames!
The teams take to the pitch
Simon gets a Stalker..
Ooh, ooh, ooh the funky gibbon
Simon meets Beccs Ladies again..
  At the stadium Claire's mission for the day became easy with a whole band of pipers to take photos with. In a freezing cold stadium the girls found the first real use of their spoons in a rather strange stirring of hot chocolate moment.

The match as they say, is history. The Scots put on lots of pipers and fireworks and glitter before the match and then got beaten by an English team playing not all that good rugby so Mr Dallaglio (Sir) got to go and collect his first trophy as England Captain.

Afterwards most of the ladies headed back to the pub apart from Josie, Mim and One Pint who went around the stadium to the shop to attempt to get a Scotland ball for Fingers. On the way they became side-tracked when looking through a glass-door and saw Danny Grewcock being interviewed on the TV. What followed for the next hour becomes a shameful display of girly groupiness which involved the taking of photos and autograph hunting by the three.

The only redeeming features are Josie telling Simon Shaw that Beccehamian Ladies send their regards and him replying that he remembered us well. Unfortunately he declined to let on where the England lads were going that evening - what a spoil sport! Also spotted was our old friend Ronnie Regan who didn't stop to chat ha ha. Josie also excelled herself by asking Lawrence Dallaglio if he needed a hand when he was struggling with his trainers and bags - now if only she'd just filched those socks... It was later decided to name Josie 'Stalker' after her exploits this evening.

After mingling with the likes of Jason Robinson, Ben Cohen, Matt Dawson, Phil Vickery and Sir Clive, the girls decided it was time to head back to the team and so rejoined them in the bus queue back to town where One Pint made the fine-able mistake of recognising Phil De Glanville in the bus queue. (Times are hard eh? for the ex-England Captain!)

Kilts and pipes

Steve Thompson Will Greenwood Josh Lewsey Hi Simon! Ian Balshaw
  Click here for the next page of Tour Report..

We won the Cup!


One for Sniffer?

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