Sunday was a nice lie-in with everyone meeting up downstairs in the bar for tour court as a couple of ladies were leaving today rather than Monday. Luckily Luke the Aussie had given us lots of vouchers for free shots which saw us through court.
Fines were given for every sin committed on tour. This included failure to achieve missions and failure to attempt to achieve missions. Biggest fines probably went to Lizzie for many incidents mostly relating to her being a Tour Virgin. There were also many counts of insubordination on Tour - this must be stopped!
Shearer, Claire and Lumber then left for the station whilst Chitty was last seen heading for Manchester.
After court everyone regrouped getting ready to watch the Ireland vs Wales match on TV. Some stayed behind at the hostel bar and played many a drinking game before the match whilst others wandered back up to Weatherspoons to watch the match here. After Ireland had given Wales a good tonking the groups re-formed to go out for a meal in the evening.
With a table booked everyone went over to TJI Fridays for some cocktails and grub. Something strange happened with a waitress - did she really get the sack? Then onto Frankensteins - nope didn't quite make it in so next door to Finnegans Wake. Details are hazy, some went back to the hostel bar and some stayed on late..
Click here for the next page of Tour Report..
Fines this year were given for:-
lateness & insubordination
not wearing tour shirt
not wearing red and white items at all times
no spoon ready for display
not using tour names
failure to attempt/completeto do missions
going AWOL
buying soft drinks on tour
befriending a stalker
being a groupie around England players
recognising Phil De Glanville
phoning/texting partners
pulling pig farmers
snogging in public
buying scottish men in kilts
pulling Scottish men, Australian men, Canadian men, Irish men, old men..
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